How can I contribute to Secular Serenity?

As per AA’s 7th tradition, AA groups themselves ought to be fully supported by the voluntary contributions of their own members. With that in mind, here is the link to our donations page.

You can also contribute by providing us with articles you’ve written about your recovery or useful resources you’ve used during your recovery.  You may have something to say or useful bits of help that could be useful to someone in their hour of need.

How can I contribute to Secular Serenity? Read More »

Are there other meetings I can join?

Yes, lots of them, all around the world.  We focus on secular meetings, not traditional non-secular meetings, of which there are many more but you have options.  There are a limited number of secular meetings in South Africa, but if you have access to the internet then you can make use of the Worldwide Secular Meetings and 24/7 Meetings Google Calendar – the click the link to the full calendar. This calendar accounts for time zones and daylight savings, and makes it very easy to find a meeting that’s running when you need one. This is an awesome resource.

Also have a look at Secular AA Online Meetings, which is a big list of global online secular meetings.

Are there other meetings I can join? Read More »

Do you have any recommended reading?

As a group we have read Jeffery Munn’s book entitled Staying Sober Without God.  If you want to get sober without adopting the belief in God that is often pushed in AA, NA, and other 12-step meetings and you want a practical, no-nonsense, psychology-based approach to sobriety that is rooted in down-to-earth principles and actions, Staying Sober Without God is a guide that will help you do just that.

Do you have any recommended reading? Read More »

How do I join your meeting?

During the COVID-19 pandemic we are we are only running an online meeting over Zoom, and you can join the meeting on your computer or on a mobile device.  We do tend to turn our video on, but that’s up to you, in fact you don’t even have to turn on your microphone.
One you have installed your chosen Zoom client, just click our Zoom link to join the meeting.
Our meeting starts at 1900 (GMT+2) every Thursday for 60 minutes.  If you aren’t sure what time that is in your time zone, check out The Time Zone Converter website.

How do I join your meeting? Read More »