What is Secular AA?
Secular AA is a movement within Alcoholics Anonymous that aims to create a welcoming space for all who suffer from alcoholism, regardless of their beliefs.
Many of us have found long-term sobriety in traditional AA but have often felt uncomfortable due to the emphasis on a higher power.
We believe that sobriety is possible for everyone, including those who identify as atheist, agnostic, or have no religion.
At our meetings, no one is pressured to participate in prayers, and we emphasize honesty, open-mindedness, and being true to oneself.
We continue to attend traditional AA meetings, recognizing that AA is a fellowship, not a strict belief system.
As Bill W. stated, “The purpose of Alcoholics Anonymous is to sober up alcoholics. There is no religious or spiritual requirement for membership.”

What about the 12 steps?
The Twelve Steps are suggestions, and members are free to interpret them in a way that resonates with them or to create their own.

What are we trying to accomplish?
Our goal is not to change or criticize those who find sobriety through belief but to reach out to those who don’t. We want to assure them that sobriety is attainable without a belief in a higher power.
Ultimately, “Our primary purpose is to stay sober and help other alcoholics achieve sobriety.”