A group for Agnostics, Atheists, Secularists, And Free Thinkers in Alcoholics Anonymous
We currently meet at 1900 on Thursdays (GMT+2) on Zoom
Welcome to Secular Serenity
Alcoholics Anonymous Tradition 3
Our membership ought to include all who suffer from alcoholism. Hence we may refuse none who wish to recover. Nor ought AA membership ever depend upon money or conformity. Any two or three alcoholics gathered together for sobriety may call themselves an AA group, provided that, as a group, they have no other affiliation.
About Secular Meetings
Secular AA meetings endeavour to maintain a tradition of free expression, and conduct a meeting where alcoholics may feel free to express any doubts or disbelief they may have, and to share their own personal form of spiritual experience, their search for it, or their rejection of it.
In keeping with AA tradition, we do not endorse or oppose any form of religion or atheism.
Our only wish is to ensure suffering alcoholics that they can find sobriety in AA without having to accept anyone else’s beliefs, or having to deny their own.
Alcoholics Anonymous Tradition 7
Should you wish to make a contribution to Secular Serenity, as mentioned in AA Tradition 7, here’s your chance.

What Is Secular AA?
Find out more about Secular Serenity Secular Alcoholic Anonymous.

Secular Serenity Online
Interested in what happens at Secular Serenity? Read our preamble.

Find out more about the Secular AA movement around the world.
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Contact Us
If you need someone to chat with urgently, then join our WhatsApp group and one of our members will be able to chat and help.